#251 Winter Succulents

Walking Pooka this morning, I looked for something, anything, before I got into the car and drove to work, and from there, didn’t leave the building until after dark. It’s challenging to find an inspiring object to photograph past nightfall. I love the light and the colors of daylight. This succulent is in a window box on the side of my house. Those little feather-like seed pods fell from one of the evil trash trees in my ‘hood. I may have cut my trees down, but there are plenty more to scatter their seed and send up unwanted shoots.

#250 Fun With Terrariums

A few of us at Poor Yorick are having a Christmas sale on Friday evening. I signed up to open my studio door, before remembering that I have tickets to Beats Antique, and that it’s my pseudo birthday celebration. So, I’ll be there for an hour or so at the beginning, around 6 p.m. I’ve been playing around with cheeky terrariums, including this white sanded version with Santa chasing after one of his reindeer.